Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Campfire Transfiguration: Hot dogs into spider dogs

A Tranfiguration recipe for Wiz Scouts:

When planning a meal around a campfire, do not settle for the common Muggle fare of hot dogs and buns. A small amount of magic is all it will take to transfigure a simple campfire bite into something far more interesting.

(This spell requires supervision and possibly assistance from an adult Scout leader.)

First, use a sharp knife, to cut each end of your hot dog lengthwise into four legs. Be careful to leave the center of the dog intact, or you will have all legs and no body for your spider.

Carefully poke the center of your dog with a clean, sharp stick or campfire roasting wire wand. Hold the cold dog over your campfire, turn slowly, and count to 60. Then say the incantation:


In a few more seconds, your hot dog will have completed its transformation into a deliciously edible Spider Dog.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Harry Potter Summer Adventure Camp

Thank goodness for our local Parks & Rec. This last week was Harry Potter Summer Adventure Camp and my girls just had to go! Oldest went one day by herself and came back with stories of her adventures so my youngest just had to go also. My girls got to make wands out of newspapers, play games, make wizards and see the new Harry Potter movie once again. What fun and Daddy got 6 whole hours all by himself for two whole days-yippy!!! What was also interesting is that the girls got to experience the whole free public school lunches and eat in one of the local Elementary school's cafeteria. They mostly ate their own lunches but the youngest one found chocolate milk tasted okay. It was fun trying to explain to them that all those chairs and tables were filled with children during lunch time and that you don't usually get vegetarian options at the public school (: Thank goodness the experience was more funny than a "we want to try moment." They didn't like the food options much. But they did find the whole summer camp adventure was fun and they get to go back on Daddy's birthday as a gift for him to relax for 6 more kid-free hours. Christina

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fairy Cakes

I just went to one of my favorite blogs (the number is actually rising on favorites):
down-to-earth.blogspot.com and found the most yummy recipe for Fairy Cakes. The pictures are mouthwatering and are a definite must to add to our tea party plans in the future. I think that Dalphina will have to send the recipe for a future tea party. Please go check out this blog as I love all the simple living ideas. I have gotten other ideas off this blog and I am sure that I will get more as I often spend hours just surfing it. I will make sure that pictures get posted when we have these pretty little Fairy Cakes.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

OWLs, New HP Movie, and Garden Lapbook

We are busily trying to finish up Year 1. The girls have an OWLs exam schedule for their six classes from Year 1. It was loads of fun doing the exams and really looking forward to seeing what the girls found interesting from their Year 1 at Hogwarts Home Study.

This morning Dalphina, our fairy, delivered new witch gowns to wear to the new Harry Potter movie. They were so excited and looked beautiful. The gowns will go great with their new witch hats that they just got Monday (thanks to a local craft store that was selling Halloween items at 50% off).

Mark and I found some great books about Harry Potter. I found some recipes including one for Chocolate Frogs. We spent all day Monday looking for a metal cookie cutter or candy mold in the shape of the frog but no luck. Anybody know of where we can find one please give a heads up.

One of the many sites that I get e-mails from sent me all the makings for a Garden Lapbook. I have been downloading all week. Plans to use it for Herbology this next school year. The website is www.lapbooklessons.com/GardenLapbook I often get lapbooks from this site as the girls like to do lapbooks as tie ins for what they are learning.

Well, definitely looking forward to the new movie. We are hoping to see it sometime this week.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Divination Tea Party

An invitation to tea... table setting... cake decorating... glass bead gluing... candle choosing... votive lighting... tea leaf reading... cupcake eating... tea drinking... pool swimming... fun with friends!!